This is the sixth in a series of posts where each person here at Convergence shares an image that influenced/ inspired them to join the architecture/ design field.

The image can be whatever strikes the person’s fancy- a building, a park, a scenic image, a design motif or detailing… any visual representation that can help to share a bit of insight into how and why the person got into this field and the work that we do.

Today, Barb is sharing her inspirational image.

“Growing up near a small town in North Dakota, I had never – to my knowledge – met an architect. However, one evening in my high school days, I was contemplating the idea of going into graphic design when the thought of architecture came to mind. I promptly went to our family’s set of encyclopedias to find out just what I would do as an architect. As I sat on the end of the couch and paged through pages of architectural history and examples of building styles, I came upon the actual occupation of being an architect. It started with “young people who want to become architects face a long and difficult training period”. It seemed daunting to be able to understand complex buildings and systems well enough to design one, but I figured that it was just for that reason that college existed – so one step at a time I would get there.  …and the rest is history. “