One aspect of our practice is collaborating on large, engineering heavy projects. We made this video to help promote our firm and the work that we’ve done in partnership with engineering firms and while working in the engineering sector. We have never created video content before, and so this was a big first! Some of the more interesting things about this video:

  • Everything was done in-house; from script writing to graphics, sound and recording, to editing.
  • It was completely created during the COVID-19 outbreak – so we really got to exercise our collaboration and communication skills since each person working on this was doing so remotely.
  • Allen’s son, Peter (age 12), was instrumental in our success of being able to create a finished product.
  • Peter was able to use a program and his experience from digital arts class to put the video together. He used iMovie for video editing and recorded the audio using the same equipment that professionals use!
  • Peter and his friends have formed their own “label” and that’s their logo at the end.

We’re a team of architects and designers, so this promotional project was quite the adventure. But, it really is proof in the pudding that when we put our minds on something, we figure it out and make it happen! We hope that you enjoy the results of our efforts.