This is the seventh in a series of posts where each person here at Convergence shares an image that influenced/ inspired them to join the architecture/ design field.

The image can be whatever strikes the person’s fancy- a building, a park, a scenic image, a design motif or detailing… any visual representation that can help to share a bit of insight into how and why the person got into this field and the work that we do.

Today, Adam is sharing his inspirational image.

“What got me interested in architecture?

I found David Macaulay’s book Castle in the library as a kid, and really came to love his style of sketching, and his methods of explaining the elements, means, and methods of the built environment. The illustrations are at once so simple – black pen on white paper – but so informative, and so vibrant, as if the buildings he illustrates are living things. Years later I was studying architecture in Rome and came to find that a lot of my field sketches appeared influenced by his work. Now I am a project manager at Convergence, a position in which illustrating things clearly and making them understandable is my task.” (Fun fact: This image was drawn by Adam)