Just around the corner in the same building… 7441 N Leavitt Avenue in St. Johns

We’re moved in and are continuing to mold the space around us as we keep our projects on track. Atomic Design, a residential design firm, moved with us from our previous office and we now also share our office with Nemariam Engineers & Associates, LLC, a Transportation Engineering firm. We want to thank our clients who have placed their trust in us with their projects and all the amazing firms with whom we have been able to team. Without a good team, this growth would not be possible!

We still have three owners at Convergence Architecture, Barb Anderson, Eli Elder, and Joseph Purkey. David Islas has been with us for a year and a half now, Monica Ahlers has been here just over seven months, and Christa Holden has been helping us off and on for eight months. The six of us and the other two firms in our office are already appreciating having triple the space, including conference rooms and a work room, as well as more desk space.

Please update your contact address for us and feel free to stop by and say “hi” next time you’re in the neighborhood!